Golden Meadows Retrievers is proud to announce our newest addition to our breeding program “Goliath”. Goliath is from our wonderful parents Giselle and Samson. He was born larger than the typical golden retriever puppy which is why he earned the name Goliath. When selecting pups for our breeding program we are evaluating for looks, confirmation, and temperament and Goliath fits it all.
Goliath is now 8 weeks old, he is happy, healthy, and full of love. Goliath is still much larger than the typical 8 week old puppyand adorable as ever! He is enjoying his puppy play dates through out the day and exploring the ranch. Goliath is going to be a gentle giant when full grown.
Like all of the puppies from Golden Meadows, Goliath was raised with ENS, Rule of 7, and Von Falconers Way. You can read about these on our web site.
Here are some photos of Goliath, isn’t he adorable?!